LASERWAR Data protocol

The IR signal sending protocol used for the 4th generation LASERWAR equipment is based on MilesTag II Data Protocol Consequently, in the process of development of the 4th generation equipment we aimed to ensure that it is fully compatible with the equipment that uses the international MILES2 protocol. Nevertheless, the expanded LASERWAR protocol has additional commands – they are highlighted in blue.
Header (an impulse of 2400 microseconds) + 14 data bits (the first bit of a shot always equals zero)
See the picture below for a graphic presentation of a shot
ррррррр (7 бит) – Player’s ID (for Lite, Nano and HSL ID versions = 50)
tt (2 бита) – player’s team colour
00 = Red 01 = Blue 10 = Yellow 11 = Green
dddd (4 бита) – inflicted damage
0000 = 1 0100 = 7 1000 = 20 1100 = 40
0001 = 2 0101 = 10 1001 = 25 1101 = 50
0010 = 4 0110 = 15 1010 = 30 1110 = 75
0011 = 5 0111 = 17 1011 = 35 1111 = 100
Weapon control commands:
Byte 1 Byte 1 Notes Byte 2 Byte 2 Notes
Awards a player with Х health units (the amount of health units cannot exceed the original value in rifle settings)
1 to 100
Awards a player with Х cartridges (the overall amount of cartridges cannot exceed the original value in rifle settings)
1 to 100
0x82 Reserved
0x83 0х00
Admin Kill
0x83 0х01
0x83 0х02
Start Game
0x83 0х03
Restore Defaults
0x83 0х04
0x83 0х05
New Game (Immediate)
0x83 0х06
Full Ammo
0x83 0х07
End Game
0x83 0х08
Reset Clock
0x83 0х09
Team colour charge (The red will turn green and the other way around. The yellow or green colour will turn red)
0x83 0х0A
Initialize Player
0x83 0х0B
Explode Player
0x83 0х0C
New Game (Ready)
0x83 0х0D
Full Health
0x83 0х0E
Change shooting power (the shooting power of 50% will change to 99%, 50% will change to 49%)
0x83 0х0F
Full Armor
0x83 0х10
Double the number of units of a player’s life for the duration of a round. Can be used repeatedly until the number of the player’s health units reaches 255
0x83 0х11
Transmitted by a checkpoint when it gets captured
0x83 0х12
Transmitted by an explosive device imitation if a bomb is deactivated
0x83 0х13
0x83 0х14
Clear Scores
0x83 0х15
Test Sensors
0x83 0хE8
Stun Player
0x83 0х17
Disarm Player
0x83 0х20
Increase shooting power (next value in the defeat table) till the end of the round (till the player gets killed)
0x83 0х21
Upgrade fire rate to 750 shots per minute
0x83 0х22
Double life till the end of the round (this command cannot be repeated and will not increase the amount of health units for a second time)
0x85 0x13
0x86 0x13
0x87 0x13
0x88 0x13
0x89 0x13
0x8A 0x00-0x0F
Player is awarded with Х magazines (the overall amount of cartridges cannot exceed the value in the original settings of the rifle)
0x8B 0x00-0x0F
First aid kit (amount of health – according to the damage table, the amount of health units cannot exceed the value in the original settings of the rifle)
0xA0 1-100
Radiation – makes a player loose Х health units
0xA1 1-100
Anomaly – a player is awarded with Х health units (the amount of health units cannot exceed the value in the original settings of a rifle)
Reserved – used by artefacts
0xA3 0-7
Reserved – used by artefacts
0xA8 1-16
Configure Х preset of game settings: 0 – Stormtrooper 1 – Hostage 2 – Last hero 3 – Zombie 4 – Commandos
0xA9 0-3
Change team colour to Х: 0 – red 1 – blue 2 – yellow 3 – green
0xAA 0-32
Play sound Х
0хВ0 -128-127
Take away / give health from / to the red team
0хВ1 -128-127
Take away / give health from / to the blue team
0хВ2 -128-127
Take away / give health from / to the yellow team
0хВ3 -128-127
Take away / give health from / to the green team
0хВ4 0-3
Respawn of the Х team (0 – red, 1 – blue ……)
0хВ5 0-3
Pause the Х team (0 – red, 1 – blue ……)
0хВ6 0-3
Kill the Х team (0 – red, 1 – blue ……)
0хВ7 0-3
Full ammunition for the Х team (0 – red, 1 – blue ……)
0хВ8 0-127
Respawn of a player with ID = Х
0хВ9 0-127
Pause a player with ID = Х
0хВA 0-127
Kill a player with ID = Х
0хВB 0-127
Full ammunition for the player with ID = Х
Reserved – weapon configuration commands through the IR channel

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